Counting the Seconds Until I Do...








Whitney & Brian

On an October evening, in the fall of 2010 Whitney & Brian met the way so many couples before them had: competing for glory in an Adult Kickball league. Brian was the pitcher for his team, and as he stepped into the batters box for his first kick he smiled at Whitney, the catcher on her 5-time champion team. Whitney with a straight face said to him, “You better give me a good pitch!” As Brian laughed he gave the response that would change two lives forever. “Wanna makeout??”

When our bride & groom met Brian spent a great deal of time traveling for work. On that milestone day in October of 2010, he was actually working in Montgomery for the week. Fate, along with the unbearable misery of a week in Montgomery, led Brian to a late afternoon decision that he should make the drive back to Birmingham for the kickball game.

The rest is history.

And, what a history it has been. There have been ups & downs. There have been times when two individuals so different on the surface did not recognize how much they are alike where it counts. Yet, it is those differences that have allowed Whitney & Brian to (eventually) find true partnership. Being so different, yet so much alike, makes Whitney & Brian much better together than either could ever be apart.

So here they are, nearly 6 years later, Whitney & Brian are ready to stand before family, friends and God to avow their love and commitment to each other. And, they are happy to celebrate their story & their marriage with you!

The Bride & Groom

Whitney Lane Bell

Brian Scott McFarlin

If you know me at all, the easiest way I can describe Whitney Bell to you is: she’s my polar opposite. But, that’s only on the surface. Once you get down to parts and pieces of us both that truly matter, we are surprisingly similar.

Whitney is strong. And, stubborn! She is firm in her commitment to her convictions…even when insisting that an entire house party recycle their bottles & cans. Whitney is very smart. Whitney is caring, dedicated and very loyal. She is classy. Whitney can be quiet and reserved. But, she definitely has her moments when she is silly or feisty. And, when Whitney loves, she loves strong & deep.

To be cliche, Whitney completes me. And, as much as she may hate to admit it, I know that I complete her, too. Whitney has inspired me in so many ways. She pushed me towards something that I had fought to accomplish for a long time, becoming a better, truer version of myself. Whitney is my best friend, she is my partner and the love of my life. And, I am so happy and blessed to soon call her my wife! (Yes, I know that rhymed. No, it was not intentional)


Brian is funny, smart, caring and driven. And, he is clearly stubborn as hell! We all know he wouldn’t, and couldn’t, give up on anyone. And, he never gave up on me, or gave up on us working. Five years later his perseverance finally paid off for us both. Now we are taking on this thing called marriage!

Brian is not who I expected I would marry. But, it is clear that God provides what you need, not what you think you need.

Brian has challenged me over the years. And, it hasn’t always been easy! He has pushed me out of my comfort zone, encouraged me to open up and be vulnerable to him. Brian has become my best friend. He’s the best friend I depend on. And, the best friend I can take for granted. I plan to show him how much he means to me for the rest of our lives. I don’t know what life has in store for us, but I know Brian will be by my side for every up and down.

I love you, Brian.


The Bride & Groom

Whitney Lane Bell

If you know me at all, the easiest way I can describe Whitney Bell to you is: as my polar opposite. But, only on the surface. Once you get to parts and pieces of us both that really matter, we are surprisingly similar.

Whitney is strong. And, stubborn! She is firm in her commitment to her convictions…even when insisting that an entire house party recycle their bottles & cans. Whitney is smart. Whitney is dedicated, caring and very loyal. She is classy. Whitney can be quiet and reserved. But, she definitely has her moments when she is silly or feisty. And, when Whitney loves, she loves strong & deep.

To be cliche, Whitney completes me. And, as much as she may hate to admit it, I know that I complete her, too! She has helped me become a better version of myself, something that I had long been fighting to accomplish. Whitney is my best friend, she is my partner and the love of my life. And, I am so happy and blessed to soon call her my wife!


Brian Scott McFarlin

Brian is funny, smart, caring, driven, and clearly stubborn as hell. We all know he wouldn’t, and couldn’t, give up on me or give up on us working. Five years later his perseverance finally paid off, and we are taking on this thing called marriage!

Brian is not who I expected I would marry, but it is clear that God provides what you need, not what you think you need or want. Brian has challenged me over the years, and he has encouraged me to open up to him and be vulnerable. It hasn’t been easy, but somehow, Brian has become my best friend. He’s the best friend I depend on and can take for granted. I plan to show him how much he means to me for the rest of our lives. I don’t know what life has in store for us, but I know Brian will be there for every up and down.

I love you, Brian.


Our People

Jami Armbrester

Maid of Honor

Megan Logan

Maitron of Honor

Aaron Burke

Best Man

Gary Sullivan

Best Man

Please RSVP by September 1st, 2016

Courtney Bell


Ivy Henson Bell


Pat Arendall Daniel


Melissa Humber Yan


Hillary Sparks


Amy Bice Dela Torre


Hannah Browdy


Lola Bell

Whitney’s Cat


Adam Burke


Andrew Burke


Matt Johnson


Anthony Lepore


Brad Logan


John McFarlin

Father of the Groom

Danny Bell

Father of the Bride

Wally Bell Mac

Whitney & Brian’s Dog

A Sunday Brunch Reception!

Family & Friends

Pieces of Bacon



Happily Ever After!

Brunch by Silvertron at Full Circle!

Fun facts: (1) Whitney wanted to be a fall bride. (2) Whitney watches just as much or maybe more college football than Brian. So, you can join us in the celebration of our marriage without worrying about missing any Bama football! (sorry NFL fans)

And, an early afternoon wedding on a fall Sunday made one choice incredibly easy. Brunch!

The idea for a brunch reception actually made a lot of sense. One thing that we have always enjoyed doing together is checking out new, or old, brunch destinations. Plus, let’s be honest, everyone loves brunch. So, get ready for Benedict, grits, French toast and lots & lots of bacon!

One really cool thing about our wedding plans that you may or may not have picked up on is that all of our Wedding Weekend festivities happen to be in the Avondale/Forest Park area. The rehearsal dinner, ceremony and reception sites span about 6 total blocks.

Full Circle is the venue for our wedding reception. It’s a really fun, newer venue on Clairmont in Forest Park that we are very excited about! Seeing as how one of the best brunch restaurants in Birmingham is right across the street, we are thrilled to have Silvertron doing our catering.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we will!


Brian Put a Ring On It

August 22nd, 2015

All We Need Is Love.

On Saturday August 22nd, 2015, we were set to have dinner with our good friends Matt & Betsy Johnson at Silvertron Cafe. It was part of the clever ruse (did not trick her at all) that I spent weeks working on. I had contacted friends & family, spent way too much time in craft stores, and with the help of several friends and our parents the perfect top secret plan was in place.

And, it almost worked. Whitney knew it was happening. She did not know exactly how, but she says she knew it was the day. And, I’m honestly glad she did!

Matty J. suggested going to Parkside, a bar close to the restaurant, for an after dinner drink. We parked next to Avondale Park and I suggested we go for a walk, since Whitney likes to do that after a big meal. As we got close to the amphitheater I gave Whitney a handwritten letter and asked her to read it as we walked. It was heart-felt and genuine, but it was really a tool for distraction.

The last words in the letter that she read as we walked onto the stage at Avondale Park amphitheater, “And, this is our moment.”

We stood in the center of this beautiful setting for an incredibly surreal moment. Brad Logan began singing “All You Need is Love” by the Beatles, Whitney’s favorite band. Megan Logan and Jami Armbrester had crafted a beautiful altar of candles. And, twenty or so of our friends & family came out of hiding to join in singing her song, as well as taking pictures/video and joining us for our moment.

And, then I got down on my knee and asked Whitney if she would marry me. I’m sure you can figure out that she said, yes!

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Engagement Photos by Rebecca Long

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